Sales funnels 101: why you need them & how to map yours out
I want to dive deeper into a topic I briefly talked about in the last blog post where I introduced you to cozy marketing (and if you haven’t read that one yet, I highly recommend you go back and give it a glance over. It’s linked above and it is the foundation to my entire marketing strategy. It’s one of those juicy good blogs you don’t want to miss!). Anyway, like i said, today I wanted to dig more into a topic that I scraped the surface on in the last blog, which is funnels! No, not the tool in your kitchen, but a sales funnel in your business! There are so so many reasons to have funnels in your business and we’re going to talk about all of them PLUS we’re going to reverse engineer your own specific funnel right here in this blog. So grab your cup of coffee and let’s do this!