how to create a week of content from one IG story
how to create a week of content from one IG story
Okay, I have a confession to make….I’ve been creeping in the Facebook groups lately (don’t judge). The thing is, I’m constantly seeing one specific problem that keeps popping up, and it’s of the biggest complaints I hear when it comes to creating content. Here’s how the conversation normally goes… “omg Courtney jo, you keep telling me I need to create content and, like, your marketing system says to be everywhere at once, but that's sooooo much work. I don’t have time to make stories AND reels AND posts AND videos AND content that pulls people into my sales funnel. I just can't do it.” To which I reply, “uh, yeah you can babe. You can literally repurpose everything you just said from one piece of content”. Cue the moment I pick your jaw up off the floor and in this this episode I’m going to show (well, actually tell) you exactly how you can create reels, IGTVs, feed posts, story highlights, and lead traffic into your funnel, all from one pre-recorded story. Are you ready? Because your content is about to uplevel and so is your free time. Let’s do this.
Okay, so here’s the thing. Anytime I tell someone that you can create ALL of the content I just mentioned from one pre-recorded story, I get this response… “but, isn’t that repetitive? Why wouldn’t I create a bunch of different content for all those different areas of social media?” The answer is simple - because you don’t have the time to! Even if your full time job is being a content creator / influencer, to create ALL of that, the feed posts, reels, stories, highlights, videos, & sales funnel lead in’s, would literally have you creating content around the clock instead of living your life like a normal human being. And what would happen if you try? You’re gonna get burnt out because that is an impossible workload for one person to handle. Not to mention how frustrated you’re going to be when one type of content doesn’t get as many views as another, making you feel like you’ve wasted your time creating that piece.
When you repurpose your content AND create your content WITH the intention of repurposing, you avoid burnout, save wayyyy more time that you can then spend elsewhere in your business or relaxing, AND you make sure your hard work and valuable content get’s the most reach as possible. You’re maximizing the lifespan of your content AND you are getting more mileage out of it. Because here’s the thing we have to remember - the algorithm is a thing. Trust me, I know you didn’t forget about the dreaded algorithm, I mean how could we when it’s literally the thing we hate the most about social media right now, but we need to remember how it affects our content long-term.
When you post in the feed, only a fraction of your audience (& I’m talking single digit percentages here) will actually see your post unless it REALLY gets a lot of engagement right off the bat. So if you want MORE of your current audience and new people to see the message in your content, creating different types of content around the same message will get the job done. Here’s something I’ve noticed on my accounts. I do some serious creeping on my followers and the ones that are watching my stories are not the ones liking and commenting on my feed posts. The ones that watch my IGTVs are different from the ones that view my stories. I know, you’re thinking, congrats on the creeping skills courtney jo, but what does this mean? This means that I can create the same piece of content for my stories, feed, and IGTV and reach MORE people with the same message, it’s just now in the form of their preferred type of content. So more reach, more engagement, with less work than if I was creating separate messages for all the different types of content? Um, hell yes.
Okay so you’re on board with this whole repurposing thing, but how do we actually do it? Don’t worry, you know I got you boo. I’ll share with you exactly what you need to do to create 8 pieces of content from repurposing one…. And it all starts with your IG story.
Now, here’s how this all goes down, the only content you’re going to create from scratch in an IG story. So figure out what you want to create a story about. Maybe it’s some type of mini training or you’re sharing a quick tip about whatever it is that is your jam. Maybe it’s a quick tutorial on something you know really well how to do. Actually what I’m sharing with you now is a great example so let’s roll with that! So let’s say my story is going to be a quick tutorial on how to turn your IG story into other pieces of content. So, I would open my instagram app, pull up stories, and I would pre record the training.
Now you could just dive right in and give your training that might be like 2-3 minutes worth of slides in the story, but if you want to REALLY get some use out of your content, start off with the first 15 or 30 seconds of the story (aka the first or second story clip) being a brief step by step overview. So for this example here’s what i would do. The first clip in the story would be my little intro for my audience, along the lines of “Hey friends, I wanted to jump on here quick because something that I’m seeing happen a lot is people are wasting their time creating content, so I wanted to tell you how you can create multiple pieces of content from one IG story”. That would be my first 15 second clip. I would save that to my phone and then record my second 15 second clip that would sound something like this… “Here’s how to turn one IG story into 8 pieces of content: first, record your story. Second, save it to your phone. Third, post it. Fourth, save it as a highlight. Fifth turn it into a reel using an app. And sixth turn it into an IGTV and link your freebie in the description to get people on your email list”. Then save that second clip to my phone. From there I would jump back into stories and break down each step so I’d end up having maybe 6-8 story slides explaining how to quickly do this whole process. Save those to your phone as well.
Then we have one last clip to film for the very end. The call to action. We want to make sure they’re getting into our sales funnel (which I mapped out for you in the last episode, episode 13 make sure you go listen to that one if you have no clue what you’re talking about), and we’re going to do this by directing them to our bio. So here’s how I would end this… “and that’s how you turn one IG story into 8 pieces of content. If you want to save even more time on your content, I’ve got 5 templates waiting for you to copy , paste, & post right now. Just click right up here *pointing to the top left corner of my screen* to go to my bio OR the description dropdown to get the templates asap!” Now, the super important part for later is the click up here to go to my bio or the description dropdown. Make sure to say that exactly bio or description drop down. It will be key later. Also this is assuming you are filming with a front facing camera when I say point to the top left. Like, you know where your profile picture will be on your story as you’re watching yourself in the screen so point to that top left corner. Now, save that last clip to your phone and you’re good to go! Whenever you want to post the full mini training, go ahead and do that. & that my friend is the main bulk of content, done!
Now comes the fun part: turning that into all your other pieces of content. So let’s start with the easiest one : a highlight. I’m sure you know what this is but in case you don’t this is where your chosen stories can live on your profile past the 24 hour mark. So create a new highlight for your mini training and then using your archive, add your stories after you post them. You can then direct people back here as they ask about it, call it out later in stories & posts to get more mileage out of that story content, and people can search through your highlights themselves to watch whenever they want.
Okay, that’s now two pieces of content from one story (The story itself and a highlight). Onto the next piece: the reel. Now I know some people have 30 second reels and others still have the 15, so to play it safe, I’m showing you the 15 second version so everyone can do it. So this is where that strange intro to your IG story comes into play. You know how I had you do the first 15 second intro clip, and then that weird second really fast breakdown clip? There’s a reason for that! The first intro is really for your story audience so the introduction of the story training feels natural and it makes sense when in the highlights. That second 15 second clip of “Here’s how to turn one IG story into 4 pieces of content: first, record your story. Second, save it to your phone. Third, post it. Fourth, save it as a highlight. Fifth turn it into a reel using an app. And sixth turn it into an IGTV and link your freebie in the description to get people on your email list” … Yeah that’s now your new reel. The beautiful thing is that when we stay inside that 15 second window of the IG story, it will fit perfectly into a 15 second reel. So literally use that same 15 second clip you saved to your roll as your story. Add some text to it to pop up as you share your tips for those who don’t listen with sound or what to screenshot. And boom. Reel done. Wanna be an over achiever? You can repurpose the tips into another reel if you feel like recording yourself another time. Record yourself for 15 seconds doing something fun where you don’t have to be talking, and no please don’t just do the shimmy and point thing. It’s so overdone and unless you’re really making it your own the way jasmine star does, people do not want to see another person just shimmying and pointing at the screen. There is nothing eye catching or interesting about that anymore. So do something that will make you stand out. Play with transitions and have fun! Once you have your recording, over lay your “here’s how to” title and steps as text and you’re good to go! Same content, just something different to look at to attract different users (and it’s a great way to take advantage of the higher reach and engagement of reels right now for little to no extra work!). And that’s your third (potentially bonus fourth) piece of content done from one story. But wait, there’s more. Because if you also choose to show the reel in your feed, that’s at least one feed post (potentially two if you did the bonus reel) So, that content count is now up to six pieces of content (including the bonus reel & it’s feed post) from one pre-recorded IG story. Now onto the last one…
Here comes the IGTV. & I know this is scary for a lot of people. Hell, I took a few years to make my first IGTV (and guys, I’m talking I made my first one a few months ago. Haha embarrassing but the fear is real even for me). The good news is you don’t have to have any fear around this because you’ve already done the hard work! We’re going to take your pre-recorded story and turn it into an IGTV. This is where I said a 2-3 minute story works best because a video has to be at least 1 minute long to be an IGTV. So here’s what you’re going to do. Use a video editing app, like InShot, on your phone. Upload all of your pre-recorded story clips so they now form 1 long form video. If you use Inshot, you can also add text if you want to add your own captions, and make it look fancy, but you don’t have to. We really just need this to combine all the clips together into one video. Once you’re good save the video to your phone. The good news is that since we filmed these in stories, they’re already in vertical format, so they will be just fine in IGTV, but if you for some reason have a horizontal video , I highly recommend using canva to make it vertical. You can see exactly what I do, like adding my title and text and whatnot, if you go look at my IGTVs over on my instagra @ iamcourtneyjo - that’s all done in canva. Either way, you now have your long format video. Now, all that’s left to do is upload it to your IGTV. and that is now your seventh piece of content from one IG story. BUT WAIT! Before you hit that publish button on your IGTV, we want to take advantage of this secret trick while we can….
Because did you know that your bio isn’t the only place a link will work? Any link you put in an IGTV description will be clickable for your viewers to see so we’re going to use this just like our link in bio to get people into our funnel. Remember that oddly specific line I told you to say in your story of click up here for the link in bio OR the description dropdown. THIS is why I told you to say both. Because as we use this for your IGTV, the description dropdown where they can click your freebie link is also in the top left BUT so is your profile picture just like in stories. In stories they know what they’re doing, so when they view your story they know to click your picture and go to link in bio, but in IGTV a lot of people don’t know about the link in description, so when we tell them oh hey you can also just drop down the description box and get it there, it eliminates a few clicks for them and they’re more likely to do it. So in your description, make sure to explain what the video is about, what your freebie is about and leave a link to that freebie so we can get them into your sales funnel. Now we get to hit publish right, and we end it with 7 pieces of content from one IG Story, right? Actually, not yet. There’s one more tiny little click of a button we need to do before we hit publish. We’re going to get one more piece of content out of this in the form of another feed post. So you will see a checkbox when you upload your IGTV that says something along the lines of “show preview in feed”. Click that, make sure it’s checked. This will then create a feed post showing the first 60 seconds of your reel, giving the viewer the option to watch the rest in IGTV. Which is a great way to get those who view the feed, over IGTVs to watch your full IGTV! Also, once you publish you can’t go back and change this, so double check that you have the feed preview checked on every time you upload your IGTV. Once you selected to show the preview, click that publish button because babe you are done! AND you just got 8 pieces of content out of one IG story. That could be an entire week of content, from recording one 2-3 minute, holy shit, that’s a time saver!
Now I can already sense my over-thinkers, worriers, anD type A’s getting ready to ask: but isn’t that all of the same content in one week? Isn’t that a little much? And if you are posting it all on the same day - yeah maybe a little. The same week? Nah, not so much, especially if you’re mixing in other random stories like a little behind the scenes, sharing others’ posts, and creating different feed posts like sharables and freebie offers. However, if you’re still concerned here’s a pro tip for you. Do this method twice. You already know I’m going to tell you to batch it because that’s just who I am (plus, ya girl does not have time to waste). So, when you go to record your story, here’s what you do: Plan 2 mini trainings or whatever you want to make your stories about. Record your first one. Then throw on a different top, and change your hair style (like add a hair clip, not go from straightened to curled. We’re saving time here, mmkay?). Then record your second training. Keep going through each of the steps I walked you through, doing BOTH IG stories you just recorded. So creating two main reels for each one. Two main highlights, two main IGTVs, you get it.. Then alternate when you post them So week one might look like your first training as a story, your second training as a reel. Your first training as your IGTV, all posted on different days. Week 2 might look like your second training as a story, your first training as a reel, and your second training as an IGTV, all posted on different days again. Hell with the bonus content from each of those you could stretch it out to 3 weeks at that point. So you see how you could alternate to create more variety while still saving time? This method is absolutely magical and will save you so much time, plus you’ll be showing up everywhere looking like the pro that you are. People will look at you and be like damn, girl has her ish together, and that brand authority is sweeeet.
Well, is your mind blown or what? 8 pieces of content from ONE simple story that takes you less than 5 minutes to record - I’ll take that over spending hours planning my stories, my reels, my feed posts, my videos… all the things. The real question is, how will you spend all your new found free time?
If your answer is spending time getting more followers or taking pictures for social media, or figuring out what to say to sell without feeling spammy on social, then I got you boo! I can save you even MORE time with the business bundle! It’s the 4 tools & templates you need to grow your business online and it’s 70% off for a limited time! Inside you’ll get an entire year’s worth plug & play instagram templates created with my proven marketing method (PLUS allll the other tools & templates you need to grow your business online like over 200 professional stock photos, my method of getting more followers without relying on hashtags or the algorithm and copy/paste scripts to sell on social with ease) Click the button below to grab it for 70% off before time runs out!
PS: this bundle is like hiring a full time social media manager, copyrighter, professional photographer, and marketing strategist for only $.54 cents a day! That’s crazy!
So let’s set you up for massive business growth and success with your repurposed content AND the business bundle!
about the blogger
Hey babe! I’m Courtney Jo! I’m a content creator who coaches babes in biz on how to create their dream life of freedom through content creation, business, and mindset! I’m also an award winning, nationally recognized portrait photographer and I sling some amazing natural hair and skin care products on the side that has changed my confidence and life!w
binge the recent posts
I’m Courtney Jo! A business coach, podcaster, photographer and shampoo slinger, with a goal to help boss babes create their dream life through content creation & marketing!
xoxo, Courtney Jo