Can you really plan a month of content in advance?

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Can you really plan a month of content in advance?

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I know you’ve been told this many times before… “plan your content in advance”. “Learn how to plan an entire month of content in a day”. “Sit down and plan out your content for the year”. You hear all the gurus telling you these things and roll your eyes. Of course they can plan that much content in advance… they have an entire staff helping them do everything. That’s for the CEOs of big companies… not the small businesses and solopreneurs doing almost everything on their own… right? 

Actually, from one solopreneur to another, I can tell you that this actually DOES work for us. AND most importantly, it’s one of the best things we can do as small business owners to make the most of our precious time. Don’t believe me? Let’s break down exactly  why planning your content in advance is the smartest move you can make for your business!


Plan for a Strategy

One of the most important reasons you should be planning your content in advance is because it allows you to implement a content marketing strategy to grow your business on social media. I prefer to implement a strategy (and teach my clients this strategy as well), that attracts, nurtures, and converts my audience into paying customers every single month. There are more strategies than just that though, like driving traffic to your blog, getting sponsorships, etc., but the important thing to remember is that planning your content in advance allows you to map out whatever strategy it is that you’re using, so that your entire content for the month strategically leads your audience to whatever goals you have for the month. Without that strategy, we’re just posting on the fly everyday, flying by the seat of our pants, asking for a sale and hoping someone will love us enough to buy, which usually never works. So take a lesson from the big companies and use a strategy to plan your content!


Serve your Audience with Purpose

We’re not just creating content for the hell of it. We’re creating it to connect with our audience, help solve problems within our area of expertise, and show them that we have the solution to the problems they face. By planning your content in advance, you can serve your audience even better by taking a top-down look at ALL of your content for the month, ensuring that everything flows effortlessly together to provide value-packed content that will help your audience. Think about it this way… when you’re posting on the fly, how much of it is half-assed, created just for the sake of appearance and posting to appease the algorithm? When we do this everyday for an entire month, we end up with bits and pieces of helpful content scattered throughout fluff and randomness. When we plan in advance, we can take our followers on a journey to solve their problems and establish ourselves as the expert by creating content to lead them through a transformation and solve their problems in a way that builds on top of your past content while fully solving their problems.


Save yourself Time

Look, as a small business/solopreneur/ or CEO we all know our time is limited. We want to save time any and every where we can. One of the best ways to do that? Planning your content in advance! When we break down the math (you can get the full breakdown here>> SEE THE FULL BREAKDOWN), you’re spending roughly 33 minutes per post that you create on the fly. If you’re posting 2x per day for the entire month, you end up spending over 22 hours every month (half a full time work week) just CREATING your content. Not scrolling for “inspiration”, not engaging with followers, not searching hashtags. JUST CREATING YOUR CONTENT. When in reality, you could cut that down to 4 hours, simply by doing it in advance, which allows you to batch your content and save a hell of a lot of time! Think of how you could spend that time - taking on another client, engaging with more people on social to create meaningful relationships, growing your business… you get the point. That’s a lot of time to be wasting when you don’t need to.


So, do you see how amazing planning your content in advance is now? There is no reason you can’t plan your content in advance, and I’d love to show you exactly how to do it! If you’re interested in learning the strategy I mentioned to attract, nurture, and convert your ideal clients, learning exactly what you need to be creating to serve your audience with purpose, and want to learn how to create an entire month of content in just 4 hours, then check out Crush Your Content! A 4-week course where I teach you exactly how to do just that, plus more!! You can get all the details and instant access whenever you’re ready right here >> CHECK OUT CRUSH YOUR CONTENT


about the blogger

Hey babe! I’m Courtney Jo! I’m a content creator who coaches babes in biz on how to create their dream life of freedom through content creation, business, and mindset! I’m also an award winning, nationally recognized portrait photographer and I sling some amazing natural hair and skin care products on the side that has changed my confidence and life!w


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I’m Courtney Jo! A business coach, podcaster, photographer and shampoo slinger, with a goal to help boss babes create their dream life through content creation & marketing!
xoxo, Courtney Jo


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