The Key to Showing Up Consistency on Social Media & How You can get Started ASAP

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The Key to Showing Up Consistency on Social Media & How You can get Started ASAP

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We hear it all the time. We need to show up on social media consistently to get the results we want, but… like… that’s hard! Knowing what to post, what to say, what to share about every day on social can be mentally draining and completely exhausting. Not to mention, what do you do on those days where you can’t think of anything or don’t want to show up?

I know that struggle. It was real for me too, until I figured out the key to showing up consistently. It took the stress out of showing up every day and thinking about what to create a post about when I opened my social apps. It was the system I had been missing that took the guesswork out of posting and made it way easier to grow my business on social media. Wanna know what it is (of course you do!), keep reading!


Why you Need to be Consistent

Okay, before we get to this “key”, first we need to have a chat about why you need to show up consistently on social media. There are 2 main factors when it comes to consistency: building trust with your audience and appeasing the algorithm. First, building trust. Believe it or not, you showing up consistently on social media with content that not only sells, but also provides free value to your followers is what will build trust with them. They know you’re not just here to take their money and run. You’re here to help them with that value-added content, as well as build a real relationship with them. They know you’re not going to just post and ghost to launch a product or service (and trust me, they DO know when you do that. There have been big beauty influencers called out for only showing up right before a big product launch, and then disappearing until the next one, and people call it out! They notice it and can tell the creator is only there for the money, not the audience. Don’t make that same mistake).

Second, the dreaded algorithm. It might seem odd, but the algorithm loves consistency from you. Why? Because it shows that you’re creating content that people enjoy, which if you’re doing on a regular basis, will keep your followers on their social apps longer and more often (which is the goal of any social media app). So, the algorithm will reward you for playing nice, and will then show your content to more people. See where we’re going with this? The more consistent you are, the more your content gets viewed, which means your message is reaching more and more people. All from showing up consistently? Yes, please!


The KEY to my Consistency

Okay let’s get into the juicy stuff. The key to my consistency. This is the one thing that I created after years of trial and error with content marketing, that finally helped me to show up confidently on social media every day. Ready for it (can you make a drumroll noise for me please? Thanks :) ) The key to my consistency is… creating a general content calendar. This is a calendar with one post idea per day to keep me on track with knowing exactly what to share about every day. It is broad enough that I can repeat the same calendar every month without my content being repetitive or boring, but  specific enough that I never have to wake up and guess what to post that day. I know well in advance what I’ll be sharing (which helps me to plan out my entire month of content in 4 hours).

So what’s in my general content calendar? Here’s the breakdown:

  • 5 weeks of daily posts (so 35 posts total) so that no matter how many days are in the month or when they fall, I always have something to post

  • My content pillars (you might also call them content buckets), so I know that every topic I post about relates to my brand, provides value to my audience, and creates brand recognition

  • A marketing strategy that allows me to naturally lead my audience through my sales funnel and make an offer to them every. Single. Month. (even if I’m not in a launch)

  • engagement -driven content with the sole purpose of driving engagement to my content in the form of comments, saves, screenshots, or dm’s

  • Value - added content created to help my followers get quick wins & transformations, building their trust in me while adding value to their feeds

  • Easily adaptable content so when I am in a launch period, my regular content plan doesn’t need to be thrown out the window. 


Why Does This Help with Consistency?

So how does this help me to show up more consistently? Because I know EXACTLY what content I’m creating and when. It’s repeated every month, so I can get into a rhythm of knowing what type of content I’m creating when. PLUS because i know exactly what I’m posting well ahead of time, it allows me to create my entire month of content in advance, so that when the actual day comes, I’m not scrambling to find a picture to post, write a caption, and everything else. It’s already scheduled, just waiting for me to publish it and then spend the rest of my time actually ENGAGING with my followers. This calendar has taken the guesswork (and stress) out of posting on social media and helped me to add even more value to my followers! I call that a win.


Do you know that a general content calendar is what you need? Perfect! Let’s get you creating yours right now! Grab your calendar and block out an hour or two in the next few days to sit down and plan your calendar out! Need help on figuring out how to do this and what type of content you should be creating and what strategies you should be implementing? I’d love to help you! You can book a free strategy call with me and we will figure out exactly what you need to get you on the right track! Click the button below to book your free strategy call!


about the blogger

Hey babe! I’m Courtney Jo! I’m a content creator who coaches babes in biz on how to create their dream life of freedom through content creation, business, and mindset! I’m also an award winning, nationally recognized portrait photographer and I sling some amazing natural hair and skin care products on the side that has changed my confidence and life!w


binge the recent posts


I’m Courtney Jo! A business coach, podcaster, photographer and shampoo slinger, with a goal to help boss babes create their dream life through content creation & marketing!
xoxo, Courtney Jo


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